Caption: Immigrants were often counseled in the American ways.
Date: circa 1880
Historical Context:
Immigrants from all parts of the world brought with them ways
of thinking, believing, and acting. However, not all aspects
of a groups' cultural behavior were acceptable to some citizens
in the United States. Some even took it upon themselves to counsel
the immigrants on the proper way to behave in America. In the
1910s, the Daughters of the American Revolution counseled Italian
immigrants: "An Italian, like any other foreigner, is appreciated
when he lives the American social life. Until then he counts
for nothing. Join American clubs, read American papers. Try
to adapt yourself to the manners and customs and habits of the
American people. . . Throw away all weapons you may have...Speak
in a low voice...Try not to gesticulate, and do not get excited
in your discussions...Thus you will be respected, welcomed in
Ethnic Group: Italian
Place: Sacramento
Events: n.a.
Key Words:
Image Number: 2882
Objects/Items of Note: Women's 19th century dress.
Name/Biographical Data: --?-Cecchetini.
Image Credit: SMHD, Sacramento Ethnic Communities Survey, Italian Cultural Society